DIY Mint & Rose Gold Bracelet

Hong Kongers are always busy busy busy – between working hard and playing hard it can sometimes be difficult to set aside any me-time. For me – rainy days can be the perfect DIY days when I can finally finish up long overdue DIY and craft projects; I can literally spend hours re-attaching buttons, altering vintage outfits and obviously making jewellery. Now, I recognise that not everyone has a). the time nor b). the commitment for hours and hours of crafting; that’s why I try and make my DIY projects as easy as possible – and this bracelet is no exception!

What you need:

  • Rose gold metal ring
  • 0.5 yard Mint rope
  • 4 metal rope clasps
  • 3 metal ring links
  • 1 metal clasp
  • Scissors
  • Pliers

How to:

  1.  Cut two lengths of the mint rope. Measure each one out so that they’re 1.5 times the length of your wrist.
  2. Loop each rope around opposite ends of the metal ring.
  3. Tighten each metal rope clasp around all 4 open ends of the mint rope.
  4. Using the pliers, hook a metal ring link through 2 of the metal rope clasps at either end.
  5. Hook the metal clasp onto the third metal ring link and hook the two onto one of the ring links at one end of the rope.

The rose gold metal ring is very feminine and mixing it with the mint rope (which is such a hot colour this summer) makes it the perfect summertime, girly, “garden party-esque” accessory.

Happy DIYing!

xoxo  V.

Posted in: DIY

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